22 May - 23 May 2025
Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Hotel locations
You can book your hotel accommodation here for the NOV Jaarcongres in Utrecht, which will take place from Thursday, May 22, 2025, until Friday, May 23, at the Jaarbeurs Utrecht.
For questions regarding your hotel accommodation and group booking requests of 8 or more rooms, you can contact us via mail@reservations.nl
Change arrival / departure date
For a group request, please contact us by email: mail@reservations.nl
All fields are required
Cancellation is free of charge until April 7, 2025. After this date, 100% cancellation charges will apply.
Credit card details will be used to guarantee your reservation, so the hotel will hold the reservation until you arrive. Your credit card can be charged in case the hotel request a pre payment or in case of no-show or late cancellation. (see conditions)
You can find the 3 /4 digit CVC code printed on the back of the credit card.
If you have any questions please contact us by phone +31 (0)85 486 8800 or email mail@reservations.nl